
Sunday, 3 August 2014

Mama's Great Expectation

Growing up on my bosom
Watching over you with pride everyday
Day and months were shorter than weeksYou were of my blood, fruit of my womb
Caressing your tender and tiny limbs
Your arrival was a bond of unity

Watching you crawl, stood for the first time
And splash in your dish wash
What else could I say?
Your smile sparkles in my heart
If there’s something I couldn’t live without
A son that reminisced my first love

 That day came, it seems so early
Walking you to school, missing you at home
Lunch pack, school bag, pencil case
Your companion for the day
Your teacher, your mum from 8 hours
Home was empty awaiting your return

 At 17 , you had to leave home
A little more separation from comfort zone
Boarding life, high school experiences
My heart grows cold
You have to embrace life alone
Every day, you were my thoughts
Son, I could see a gentle man in you
Afar off my heart felt the pain of your struggle
For my pain gave your life
It cannot be separated

My joy was mixed with heart felt tear
You had to go even further from home
This time your village and your family
A higher calling, a privilege you deserve
Your tears defines the painful years
I am with you even when there is nothing on the table
My promise were never spoken, yet communicated

The day I tidied your room, just as it is
It remained for years untouched
The voice, that gets me angry at times
We miss it for quite a while now
Evening family conversation, you are the topic
At last we miss a part of the family

Realizing it will never be the same again
My son, if there’s something I’d acquire of you
Be a gently man, make us smile in silence
We will be watching
Waiting for the day you will come home
With the same smile you left with
Love mum.

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